Arabia Falcon Insurance Company
View this post on Instagram تزداد احتمالية الإصابة بالجفاف خلال شهر رمضان، لذلك فإن شرب كمية كافية من الماء بين فترتي الإفطار والسحور يقيك من الجفاف. وعليك أيضًا الابتعاد عن المشروبات التي تحتوي على الكافيين مثل القهوة والشاي والكولا لأنها تتسبب في إدرار البول وتعزز فقدان السوائل. #عُمان #العربية_فالكون_للتأمين #صحة #نصائح #عادات #تأمين #رمضان_مبارك -- Fasting during Ramadan carries a high risk of dehydration. Drinking as much water as possible between Iftar and Suhoor, prevents you from dehydration. Ideally, you should also cut down on caffeinated drinks like coffee, tea and colas as these have a diuretic effect and promotes fluid loss. #Oman #AFIC_Oman #health #advice #habits #Insurance #RamadanMubarak A post shared by Arabia Falcon Insurance SAOG (@arabiafalconsaog) on May 22, 2019 at 8:41am PDT
تزداد احتمالية الإصابة بالجفاف خلال شهر رمضان، لذلك فإن شرب كمية كافية من الماء بين فترتي الإفطار والسحور يقيك من الجفاف. وعليك أيضًا الابتعاد عن المشروبات التي تحتوي على الكافيين مثل القهوة والشاي والكولا لأنها تتسبب في إدرار البول وتعزز فقدان السوائل. #عُمان #العربية_فالكون_للتأمين #صحة #نصائح #عادات #تأمين #رمضان_مبارك -- Fasting during Ramadan carries a high risk of dehydration. Drinking as much water as possible between Iftar and Suhoor, prevents you from dehydration. Ideally, you should also cut down on caffeinated drinks like coffee, tea and colas as these have a diuretic effect and promotes fluid loss. #Oman #AFIC_Oman #health #advice #habits #Insurance #RamadanMubarak
A post shared by Arabia Falcon Insurance SAOG (@arabiafalconsaog) on May 22, 2019 at 8:41am PDT
We draw our strength from over 70 years of regional expertise.
Arabia Falcon Insurance Company turned over a new leaf in the history of insurance sector of Oman when two companies merged to become AFIC. We used our 70+ years of regional expertise and our maturity from the Omani market, to blend the old and the new and emerged as a stronger, bigger and more versatile company with keen customer-centric focus.
We recognise that usage of state-of-the-art technology is the need of the hour and believe that our human capital is one of our biggest assets.
As the new-age economy of Oman expects a boost and a real growth through diversification, we at AFIC, aim to focus on helping our customers to reduce the hazard risks for their businesses by using Insurance as a risk management tool.
We serve our individual and corporate clients by providing various insurance products under different lines of business. We operate through various branches and agents spread across the Sultanate of Oman.
For emergency help, contact us without any hesitation.